Indiana’s most experienced business brokers. Whether you are buying a new business or selling your business, let American Business Investors support you with our expertise.

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Selling your business is a major decision! You have devoted your time, money, and energy into building, running, and operating your business.

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Buying a business can be a complicated procedure, from finding the right one to working out all the details required for a smooth transfer of ownership.

CALL TODAY 317-575-9000

American Business Investors Inc.
• Provides sellers the tools they need to successfully sell their businesses and achieve their dreams of financial freedom.
• Works exclusively with buyers who are qualified, committed, and understand that the sale process must be confidential.
• Has real knowledge of the current dynamic marketplace and knows how to evaluate and price businesses to achieve the objectives of the seller.
• Uses businesses brokers who come from successful entrepreneurial backgrounds having personal experience in both buying and selling businesses.
• Has continuously served the Indiana business community since 1983.

At American Business Investors, we attribute our success to honesty, integrity, and taking our fiduciary responsibility seriously.